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Thu–Mon: 10 AM–5 PM
Tue–Wed: Closed
200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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For Members

Virtual Lecture Series — Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splendor of China's Bronze Age

A virtual lecture for museum members.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 10 AM Online via Zoom

Experience the splendor, sophistication, and extravagance of two mysterious kingdoms that flourished at the dawn of China’s Bronze Age. Before they were conquered by a powerful emperor and buried by 2,000 years of imperial history, the Yangzi River Valley states were highly advanced cultures with luxurious tastes, imaginative styles, and a yearning for immortality.

This one-hour virtual lecture by one of our community speaker docents is followed by a half-hour Q&A.

10:05 AM | Welcome
10:10 AM | Program
11:00 AM | Q&A

Members at every level are invited to attend this virtual event.

Need help registering? Email [email protected].


Image: Lei wine vessel with dragon-shaped lid, approx. 1000 BCE. China; Hubei province. Western Zhou period (approx. 1050–771 BCE)

Accessibility is a part of our mission and vision. Please note that closed captioning will be available for this virtual event. Update Zoom on your desktop or mobile application prior to the event to enable the feature.


The information to join the lecture via Zoom will be provided in your confirmation email under the "Important Information" header. Please do not share it with others.


This lecture will be recorded so members can watch again at their leisure.

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