Virtual Lecture Series: Genghis Khan — Hero or Tyrant?
A virtual lecture for museum members.
Genghis Khan — Hero or Tyrant?
Learn about Genghis Khan and his descendants, who came to dominate the largest land empire in history, during this talk that focuses on objects from the museum collection. Hear how Genghis Khan’s legacy continued to influence history and the arts for over 800 years.
This one-hour virtual lecture by one of our museum community speaker docents is followed by a half-hour Q&A.
10:05 AM | Welcome
10:10 AM | Program
11:00 AM | Q&A
Members at every level are invited to attend this virtual event. Registration is required.
Image: Saddle, 1600–1700. Tibet; Derge. Leather, wood, gilded bronze, silver, and iron. Asian Art Museum, Gift of Raymond G. and Milla L. Handley, B86M22. Photograph © Asian Art Museum.
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This lecture will be recorded so members can watch again at their leisure.