Museum Hours
Thu: 1 PM–8 PM
Fri–Mon: 10 AM–5 PM
Tue–Wed: Closed
200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Family Fun Day

Family Storytelling

In person at the museum


On Family Storytelling days, myths and tales from Asia come alive with storytelling in the galleries.

Free Tickets

In honor of the National Storytelling Network’s TELLABRATION, a nationwide event celebrating the art of storytelling, Asian Art Museum Storytellers offer a special day of stories at the museum.

Join us for stories from across Asia, including legends of Diwali (India’s festival of lights); Japanese kamishibai (paper theater); and other engaging tales.

11:00–11:30 AM: stART Storytelling for ages 3–6

12:00–12:45 PM: All ages

1:00–1:45 PM: All ages

2:00–2:45 PM: All ages


Learn more about Diwali, download activities, get new recipes, and hear more stories.

Learn more about our Storytelling School Tour programs.

Organizers & Sponsors

Free admission on the first Sunday of every month is made possible by Northern California Kaiser Permanente.

 General support for education is provided by The William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation Education and Research Fund; The Hearst Foundations; the California Arts Council; The Joseph & Mercedes McMicking Foundation; The Morrison & Foerster Foundation; and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Additional support is provided by Dodge & Cox; the Sato Foundation; and Doris and Stephen Chun.

Sustained support generously provided by an endowment established by The Hearst Foundations and by the KT Foundation – In memory of Grace Kase and Harry Tsujimoto.


The Asian Art Museum Docent Program is generously supported by the Docent Fund and Society for Asian Art.


The Asian Art Museum Storytelling Program is generously supported by the Kimball Foundation.

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