CalligraFilipino: Baybayin Talk and Demonstration with Taipan Lucero
Join us for an informal talk and demonstration featuring artist Taipan Lucero’s CalligraFilipino, a stylized version of Baybayin, the Pre-Colonial writing system from the Philippines.
In partnership with the Filipino American Arts Exposition, we present an informal talk and demonstration showcasing the powerful beauty of Baybayin, the Pre-Colonial writing system from the Philippines, with artist Taipan Lucero. Taipan’s CalligraFilipino is a self-developed style of Baybayin fine art calligraphy, which blends the ancient script with traditional calligraphy. Drawing its influence from elements of Filipino culture, CalligraFilipino aims to uplift and strengthen Post-Colonial Filipino identity.
1-2 PM Talk and Demonstration
2-2:30 PM Break
2:30-3:30 PM Talk and Demonstration
3:30-4 PM Informal Q+A
Philippine Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) grant awardee George Ian Joseph “Taipan” Figueras Lucero graduated Cum Laude from the University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts in 2012. He has been a creative industry professional since 2008, with clients that include Procter & Gamble Asia, Mary Kay Inc., Asia Brewery, Reckitt Benckiser – Lysol, Abenson, and many others. Working as a designer in Japan In 2015, Tapian was awakened to the beauty and significance of calligraphy as an art form when he trained under a Japanese calligraphy master. In 2016, Taipan started developing his own style of Baybayin fine art calligraphy intertwined with ancestral culture such as the Ifugao’s Lingling-o, the Maranao’s Okir, the Pintados, and more; he calls this CalligraFilipino. With CalligraFilipino, Taipan aims to ignite a cultural renaissance and a renewed interest in our true culture. Today, and moving forward, Taipan aspires to be at the forefront of innovating, uplifting traditional culture, and someday become National Artist for Visual Arts.
Presented in partnership with the Filipino American Arts Exposition

Cultural Celebrations are made possible by Bank of America.